Chia Seeds Farming in Kenya: How Profitable Is It, Complete Guide on Growing It

Chia seeds came into the Kenyan market sometime before 2017 but it’s in early that year that the crop hit the market strongly. Since then, its market has been expanding from the high end shops to retail supermarkets as information about the benefits of these seeds trickles down to a wider population. This made it to rise into the group of most profitable cash crops to grow in Kenya. 

The other crops you may want to consider are:

The tiny black and grey chia seeds provide a whole meal packed with proteins, Omega 3 fats and a dozen of other nutrients that include calcium, manganese, and phosphorus.

chia seeds farming in kenya

Chia seeds farming is being done commercially not only in Kenya. In fact, the crop is grown commercially in the US, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Australia and Mexico for its seeds because of its high nutritional value. 

Growers in the Ord Valley, Australia, started trialling the crop back in 2005, following research by a Nuffield scholar who was looking for natural solutions to modern diet related diseases.

This little crop with tiny seeds is causing waves not only in Kenya but across the world. This is because of its established and documented benefits. These include:

  • Chia Seeds have Omega-3 fats – it is the richest plant source of omega 3. These are essential fatty acids known for their effectiveness at lowering cholesterol levels, blood pressure, preventing heart disease among other health benefits.
  • Chia seeds are rich in fibre: Two tablespoons of Chia – about 25 grams – provide about seven grams of fibre.
  • Chia seeds are rich in minerals which include calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, copper, niacin, and zinc.
  • Chia seeds have a nutty flavour, and are a healthful addition to the diet sprinkled on cereals, yogurt or salads. You can also eat them whole or mix them into flour when baking bread, muffins or other baked goods.
  • Chia leaves are also used to make therapeutic tea.
These benefits are recognized worldwide giving this crop and its products a great demand.

Chia seeds farming is relatively new in Kenya with the only documented farmers being found in Nakuru, Meru, Nyanyuki and lately Busia County where farmers with an aggregate 150 acres are growing the crop for export to Denmark with the support of the county government.

Chia seeds farming in Kenya is easy and is not capital intensive as other cash crop ventures. The capital requirements are similar to other crop and could actually be lower considering that the crop is a pest repellent and can be grown without the need for spraying pesticides or applying chemical fertilisers.

Typically, the costs of chia seeds farming in Kenya for one acre is as follows:
·                        Land lease                 5,000
·                           Ploughing                  3,000
·                           Harrowing                2,000
·                           Planting                     3,000
·                           Seeds                          8,000 (1,000 per Kg)
·                           Harvesting                5,000
           Total                              26,000

The average yield per acre is 300 kgs. Should the prices plummet from the Ksh. 2,000 we are currently seeing on retail shelves of our supermarkets to a low of Ksh. 500 per kg, a farmer will still make Ksh.150,000 in just 3 months from planting. 

Read also:

chia farming in kenya pdfWe have put together our experiences and have come up with this farming guide. 

If you would like to start chia seeds farming, then you will find this book very helpful. 

You can request for your copy here or through the Resources Page


Unknown said...

Hi, where can I get chia seeds for planting

Richfarm Kenya said...

Simply call Richfarm Kenya on 0724698357 to order for chia seeds.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

call us on 0721857489 angela or mathias 0729338338

Unknown said...

Am interested in chia farming

Anonymous said...

Which months can I grow this crop in Kisii? said...

Interested and in lower parts of Meru county

Unknown said...

Interested and in lower parts of Meru county

Unknown said...

I need seeds

Lutta said...

At what price per kg do you buy from farmers?

Lutta said...

How much do buy per kg in Kenya

Unknown said...

Hi, am a farmer. Can you connect me with customers who can buy large quantities?

Unknown said...

Hi! From which part of the country? Kindly reach out I can buy in bulk pls.inbox or no or call 0725688173

Masake said...

Hi, can you connect me with the market where I can sell my chia seeds. Im a farmer from Busia county

Albert said...

Albert is my name.. we buy large quantities of chia from 10 Tonnes to 500 tonnes ..inbox me Whatsapp (0703909495)

Unknown said...

Can chia seeds be farmed in ol kalau in nyandarua County?

Unknown said...

How is cia's performance in nyeri

Unknown said...

0112029701 I buy in bulk

Unknown said...

Hello there, I have the seeds but no market for them.

Unknown said...

How much do you buy them! I have 4 tonnes

Anonymous said...

Your number

Anonymous said...

I buy chia seeds 0778140563

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At what price per k

Anonymous said...

Hi Where can I get chia seeds am in Nakuru

Anonymous said...

0711701646 inbox

Anonymous said...

I want regularly buy big big qty
If any one want sale or have stock pls me +22957075822

Anonymous said...

what type of soil performed well?

Anonymous said...

Since no one is answering let me tell you that a certain woman grows chia in Karuga Near Laikipiauni

Anonymous said...

I understand this is a chea seeds site but any chamomile buy.0721217852

Anonymous said...

Can it work in TAITA taveta?

Anonymous said...

Can you come all the way to Lamu county for 300kgs or how can the produce reach you?

Anonymous said...

A Eric can i plant the chia seeds in kisii? if yes where can i get the seeds

Anonymous said...

Hi can chia seed do well in lower coast of Kenya- kilifi county

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